We are a trans-boundary Somali and Kenyan non-governmental, non-profit making community-based organization. ADA operates both in Northeastern Kenya and South Central Somalia
The organization was founded in the year 1992 by a group of Somali professionals. The main goal of ADA was to help in fighting poverty and ignorance and provide livelihood support to the people of Somali in the fields of education, agriculture and rural development, Food Security and Livelihoods support, human rights, Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene programmes.
ADA’s vision is to be prosperous and peaceful organization in which every individual have access to quality education, food, shelter and water which is aimed at achieving self-reliance in all aspects of life.
ADA’s mission is to promote access to education, food, shelter and water for all project beneficiaries regardless of clan affiliation, and region to enable them to reach self-reliance especially in the sectors of education, food security and rural development
ADA has been implementing various humanitarian support projects such as construction and rehabilitation of irrigation canals, distribution of farming inputs, training of farmers on sustainable agriculture and Good Agronomic practices, construction and rehabilitation of schools facilities to promote basic education system, supporting learning activities, emergency life-saving interventions, and strengthening communities livelihoods within Somalia and various districts of North Eastern Province, Kenya.
Our goal as ADA is to make safe, clean and potable water in adequate quantities more easily accessible to targeted vulnerable Somali communities.
We are working to support and strengthen livelihood development programs such as construction and rehabilitation of irrigation canals, provision of farm inputs
The health of the people of Somalia remains in a critical situation with some of the worst health indicators in the world. Under-5 mortality is very high (in the range of 180 to 225)
Active in Development Association) is a transboundary Somali and Kenyan non-governmental, non-profit making community-based organization.